Arab Congress of 1913

The Arab Congress of 1913 (also known as the "Arab National Congress,[1]" "First Palestinian Conference," the "First Arab Congress,[2]" and the "Arab-Syrian Congress[3]") met in a hall of the French Geographical Society (Société de Géographie) at 184 Boulevard Saint-Germain from June 18–23 in Paris to discuss reforms to grant Arabs more autonomy under the Ottoman Empire. It took place at a time of uncertainty and change in the Ottoman Empire in the years leading up to World War I. The Empire had undergone a revolution and a coup by the Young Turks in 1908. Arabs were agitating for more rights under the fading empire and early glimmers of Arab nationalism were emerging. A number of dissent and reform-oriented groups formed in Greater Syria, Palestine, Constantinople, and Egypt. Zionist immigration to Palestine was increasing, and England and France were expressing interest in the region, competing for spheres of influence.

It was under these conditions that a group of students living in Paris called for a Congress to be held to discuss proposed Arab reforms. While the Congress was not ultimately successful in its proposed aims, it was a reflection of events taking place and dynamics that shaped the early 20th century for three continents before World War I began. Many scholars place the origins of Arab nationalism during these crucial years that witnessed a dwindling of empires and a build-up of tension surrounding Zionist immigration to Palestine and Arab reaction to it.


Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire was in a state of decline at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1908, a revolt led by the Young Turks led to regime change that briefly led to increased freedom of expression until the Turkish crackdown of 1915-1916. Attempts by the regime to contain Western influence, implement an increasingly centralized government, and movement toward the "Turkification" of Arab lands prompted resistance from parts of the Arab world. War broke out in the Balkans in October 1912, further weakening Istanbul's hold over its domain. (N)

Arab nationalism

Scholars disagree over when exactly Arab nationalism began, but there were glimmers of a distinctive Arab identity beginning to form, partly in response to perceived Ottoman oppression, in the years leading up to the Arab Congress. Particular concerns included the desire to speak Arabic in the public sphere, a decentralized administration (i.e. more local control over administrative matters), and the right for Arab soldiers to serve in their own region, rather than a distant corner of the empire.

Reform organisations

A number of reform-minded groups sprung up in these early years before World War I. Many remained secret so as to avoid government infiltration.


Jewish immigrants had begun arriving in historic Palestine before 1900. By 1913 there was concern among Arab communities that the Zionist settlers desired to settle Arab lands at the exclusion of the Arabs. England and France were showing interest in the region as the two empires competed with one another for influence. Scholar David Thomas[5] contends that many of the reform groups that participated in the conference "...were more suspicious of the intentions of Britain and France in the Levant than afraid of and hostile to the Ottoman Porte..." The Congress was held under the auspices of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.[6]

Congress timeline


While there were 25 "official" delegates, many representatives of reform societies attended unofficially. The following is a partial list of both official and unofficial individuals:


According to Rashid Khalidi,[12] the adopted resolutions included making Arabic "an official language in the Arab provinces...the employment of Arab troops in their home provinces except in time of war...stronger locally-controlled provincial government." Also per Khalidi, the resolutions were sent to the Quai d'Orsay. Perhaps a reflection of their own desired autonomy, the Congress included a "declaration of solidarity with the autonomist demands of the Armenians" (page 314).




The Congress did not have a lasting effect, due in no small part to the beginning of World War I. Many of the concerns addressed at the Congress were decided as parts of larger shifts of power during the War. It is impossible to say what directions these proposed reforms would have taken were it not for the war, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Balfour Declaration. It is clear, however, that not only did Arabs not gain the freedoms they sought from the Ottomans, but with increased Zionist immigration, the Arab Revolt of 1936-37, and the founding of Israel in 1948, that rather the opposite came to pass. The Arab nationalism that came about after World War II is attributable to factors such as the decline of colonial influence, rather than reforms debated back in 1913.



  1. ^ Tibi, Bassam (1981). Arab Nationalism: A Critical Enquiry. St. Martin's Press. pp. 84. ISBN 0312047169. 
  2. ^ Thomas, David. 
  3. ^ Dockser Marcus, Amy (2007). Jerusalem 1913. 
  4. ^ Thomas, David (1976). Donald P. Little. ed. Essays on Islamic Civilization. E.J. Brill. pp. 318. ISBN 9004044647. 
  5. ^ Berkes, Niyazi (1976). Donald P. Little. ed. Essays on Islamic Civilization. E. J. Brill. pp. 317–328. ISBN 9004044647. 
  6. ^ a b c Tibi, Bassam. 
  7. ^ Thomas, David (1976). Essays on Islamic Civilization. E.J. Brill. pp. 318. ISBN 9004044647. 
  8. ^ a b c d e Khalidi, Rashid (1980). British Policy Towards Syria and Palestine. pp. 310. 
  9. ^ Khalidi, Rashid (1980). British Policy Towards Syria & Palestine 1906-1914. Ithaca Press London. pp. 309–310. ISBN 0903729571. 
  10. ^ a b Tibi, Bassam (1981). Arab Nationalism: A Critical Enquiry. pp. 84. 
  11. ^ Mandel, Neville (1980). The Arabs and Zionism Before World War I. pp. 159. 
  12. ^ Khalidi, Rashid (1980). British Policy Towards Syria & Palestine 1906-1914. Ithaca Press London. 

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